There is always a third part once you started the second after the first...
Work on my little shaping space has taken up all my free time and even surfing has taken its toll with just 2 sessions a week... i need more wet time...
Around the corner delicacies: this time a brownie with some not so around the corner fins by Marlin's 101 fin CO , TA, and no brand hand made fin that Ian Z. gave me to use in my Hull. Thanks for the patinece in getting them to me Marlin...back to finishing the little room to start mowing some foam to get some tails to put them...
Um Verdadeiro Artista...
e esses fins são muito bonitos...
Grande Abraço e mais uma vez, Obrigado pelas dicas ;)
Isso e' mesmo para adoçar a boca 'a malta!
Para não ferir susceptibilidades retirei a bela da esquerda do blog...
Desculpa lá qualquer coisa...
estava no gozo...os kms afastam muito do
...what a nice bunch of fins!
Im doing foam fins that normally a 3 set weights similar to 1 fiberglassed
think that those bamboo ones are in the same relation..
man do those brownies look good!
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