I'm having too much fun mowing foam with these gunship ear plugs...
Wife checking the mess a week ago
and again checking some concrete on a construction site...this year were running out of time...our small practice in architecture is starting to be in cruise control and a good way to measure it is by the amount of concrete we have to play with...
this one will have 700m2 layout with reinforced concrete bearing walls and it is a house!!!!
The Twin reverb gets a new baby brother fender champ...love to crank it up and overdrive the 2 valves in the play room
i need some waves....
Nice amp, nice board, and nice room :D
I was gonna get that fender too, but I got the epiphone one-knob instead. Maybe the fender would sound a little better cranked up really load. But for 150 bucks, come on!
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