Se estiveres interessado em algum dos CC´s shapes nos estamos a aceitar um número limitado de encomendas custom.
Podem-nos contactar através do nosso email.
In a couple of weeks Chris Christenson will join us in Portugal for some landscape views, sardinhas and robalos , wines, surfing and shaping.
If you are interested in any of CC´s shapes we are taking a limited number of custom orders. Contact us through our email
Shaper: Chris Christenson
Born: May 14th 1973 in Whittier, California
Residence: Cardiff by the Sea, California
Years Surfing: 21
Years shaping: 15
Boards Shaped: 9.000+
Hand shapes or computer shapes? Hand
Shaping Mentors: Dick Brewer, Skip Frye, and John Holly
Favorite Tool: Skil 100 power plane
Shaping Highlights: ReefBoard Build-off, shaping side by side with Dick Brewer and Skip Frye.
Photos and Bio from:
1 comment:
Obrigado Vasco e Alexandro!!!
Ainda estou indeciso no shape...
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