Primeiro fazemos uns esboços que depois testamos em outlines à escala real. Afinamos curvas, a posição dos fins, sempre com o rigor dos números...adoramos nú Depois sobre o foam fazemos as correcções finais e posicionamos no blank o rocker. Cortamos o outline. Segue-se o shape. As hábeis mãos do chicco transformam os nossos números, curvas e desenhos numa escultura de foam.
Esta é a nossa última, vai ser uma geminus 5'8".
First we draw some sketches, then we make real size outlines. With high precision in the numbers we fine tune the curves and fin positions... Then we set our outline on the blank to get the right rocker and cut it. After this, Chicco transforms our numbers, curves and drawings in to a foam sculture.
This one is our latest shape, a geminus 5'8".
I'm addicted to your shapes! Lovely boards! I'm located in north spain (basque country) and would like to know much they are. Thanks in advance,
Eskerrik asko for the kind words about our boards!
Email us through our contact gmail, explain what you are looking for and we can work on prices from there!
Great work on your boards! I like this photo of the drafting table and tail template.
You guys have some great shapes going. Really like the shot of the drafting table and tail template!
Eric thanks!!!!!
We have been fans for a long time of your work...
Love all the little singles you do...
and the last D tail quad you did rules!!!!!
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