hard but we made it...we´re at the new office near CASA DA MÚSICA...still missing the usual blueprints of the projects covering the walls but we will get there... Adriana is back full time from Barcelona!!!!
A walk through Porto with Malcolm Campbell ... old carvings/assemblys in wood, stone and iron from my home town ...after Malcom went to Manila´s to carve some bonzers!!!! they're almost ready!!!!!!
Thank you Malcom!
the office goes concrete searching...we are making stuff with pre cast concrete and some béton thubs there reminds me of Manila's half pipe... Above is a project of Serôdio Furtado associados...we love concrete but we don´t understand why people insist on covering it with drywall and ceiling... that is probably the best phase of the building to us...we have to wait for it to turn into a ruin to see some core architectural values shine again...
The pursuit of a more connected ride on water walls lead to various forms of waves sleds and fin experimentation throughout this year. This experience is growing and it is back again on foam thanks to the support and encouragement of close friends...
A procura de uma experiência mais envolvente em paredes de água levou a várias formas em foam e experimentação de quilhas ao longo deste ano. Graças ao encorajamento de amigos próximos esta procura está uma vez mais a crescer e de volta ao foam...