Monday, August 27, 2007

For sale....para venda

Para financiar mais uns protó get some funds for more prototypes ...
Bat tail quad with hand made fiberglass Lokbox to
Bat tail quad com fins de fibra de vidro Lokbox to

Thursday, August 23, 2007

bons momentos

O Paulo da Surfcenter na passada sexta feira organizou um pequeno evento informal para celebrar a entrega de novas pranchas shapadas pelo Manila para a Loja...

o entusiasmo de ambos é pranchas impresionam tanto no shape como acabamentos!

não sou muito fã de acid swirls mas esta twin vermelha é mesmo um rebuçado que abre a gula

os bottoms estavam no ponto.....

foram bons momentos a falar de algo que gostamos muito: fishes!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Not a Fish....

...but i'm stoked on it!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

mid summer swell & Trim Project II

A terceira forma para o projecto de trim e algumas fotos do swell de ontem...
100 % hand shaped Chris Christenson 7'4 Micro glider/fish simmons inspired/inspirada quad fin with 101 bamboo fins for me/ para mim...
Third sled for the trim project and mid summers swell photos...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

CC´s quad in Belgium via Portugal

The ICE blue quad in Belgium...
One of the quads Chris did in PT was a 100%hand made kustom for Alexis...a belgium guy we met at the UK fish fry through Nicolas( the owner of the lima 5fin NK)... Kustom Blue pigment via the Silverback( master glasser Phill Northey)...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

CC´s Quad Asturiana

Miguel Abarca, a Spanish guy from Asturias has now the chance to slide with a CC quad through us...On the Colour card of the order for a Chris Christenson quad fish he said:" do something along the Asturian flag" ( a country within spain)...this what we did for him: Asturian blue Lamination ( via the SILVERBACK) and LOKBOX Asturian yellow LB´s quad set fins.
He stands
with his board and Asturian Flag behind Oporto´s traditional granite stone wall.
This is why we do this...he is STOKED!

Monday, August 6, 2007

parking lot study case

Well Miranda is himself a case study for the high specialized scientists on human
behaviour...but this weekend we just tested the limits of the so claimed flex of the contemporary wetsuit...Metralha got some rides on the yellow fish....and the hull proved again to be a good board on beach breaks...all weekend was around the Aveiro Area...and Miranda flowing on sk8 at the Manila Playground.

Tradução para tuguês: Surfamos nas praias de Aveiro todo o fim de semana e o Miranda lá fez das suas...a prancha amarela levou umas mossas do metralha...e eu fiz mais umas no casco...e Miranda em sk8 no playground do Manila( que nesta altura do ano está tão quente quanto o inferno!)