Thursday, May 10, 2007


This one is waiting for the weekend swell!!!
Alexandro will put some dents on it for shure on some steep drops...
Esta está à espera do swell do fim de semana!!! O Alexandro vai decerto fazer mossas em alguns drops mais íngremes...


pushingtide said...

OH man!! You gotta get some pics of that in action.

Nuno said...

Now, go surf and take advantage of the 5th gear and step on gas.

Then, don't tell anyone why 5gear surfboards are not allowed on contests.

Let everybody keep pretending that they do not exist.


Nuno said...

Get used! while you're paddling back to the the peak, people will start to ask...

"what the hell you're riding man?!"

"You're fast, what board is that?!"

But again, don't tell them, in any case, thruster is the way to go!

Tiago Grosso said...

Excelente surfblog!!!!
Vou adicionar nos meus links tb!


keep surfing

Alexandro said...

Got to try it yesterday in sloppy 6 to 7ft waves, and I dig it, it's a fast wave carving machine!!
Can't wait to go out again

Kami said...

Oh great Job, it's beautifull board !!!

unidentified said...

beautiful work!!!!!
Bonzer Love!!!!